Wamp on windows vista or windows 7 installs perfectly fine but there are 2 important things to be done to get it run. 

1. After installing Wamp Stop IIS, Because IIS uses Port 80 so Apache will not be able to start unless and until Port 80 is free so stop IIS. 

2. The Next Most Common issue is with PHPmyadmin after when we try to run PHPmyadmin it shows PHPmyadmin access denied

to solve this problem go to the installation  folder of PHPmyadmin which is located at 
C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.2.0.1\libraries and search for config.default.php file and search for the below line

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['nopassword'] = false;

Replace the above line with

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['nopassword'] = true;

Thats IT ...

Enjoy .... :-)

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This Post Shows how we can Return Values From a Stored Procedure

First off, your stored procedure will look like this ...


Here is some sample code that will grab that return value ...

Dim con As New SqlConnection("connectString ...")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SomeSproc", con)
Dim prm As New SqlParameter("RETURN", SqlDbType.Int)
Dim recordId As Integer
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
prm.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue

    recordId = CType(prm.Value, Integer)
    If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
    End If
End Try

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SSL enables browsers to communicate with a web-server over a secure channel that prevents eavesdropping, tampering and message forgery.  You should always use SSL for login pages where users are entering usernames/passwords, as well as for all other sensitive pages on sites (for example: account pages that show financial or personal information).

Configuring SSL on Windows with previous versions of IIS has been a pain.  Figuring out how to install and manage a certificate, and then associate it with a web-site, is something I bet most web developers don't know how to enable.

The good news is that IIS 7.0 makes it radically easier to configure and enable SSL.  IIS 7.0 also now has built-in support for creating "Self Signed Certificates" that enable you to easily create test/personal certificates that you can use to quickly SSL enable a site for development or test purposes.

Using IIS 7.0 you can SSL enable an existing web site in under 30 seconds.  The below tutorial demonstrates how to-do this.

Step 1: Create a New Web Site

We'll start by creating a new web-site using the new IIS 7.0 admin tool.  This admin tool is a complete re-write of the previous IIS admin tool (and was written entirely in managed code using Windows Forms), and provides a more logical organization of web features.  It provides a GUI admin experience for all ASP.NET and IIS settings:

 To create a new site on the box, right click on the "Web Sites" node in the left hand tree-view pane and choose the "Add Web Site" context menu option.  Enter the appropriate details to create a new web-site:

One nice feature of IIS7 on Windows Vista is that you can now have an unlimited number of sites on a box (previous versions of IIS on Windows Client only allowed 1 site).  The 10 simultaneous request limitation on Windows Client versions of IIS also no longer exists with IIS 7.0.

Once we've completed the above steps, we will now have a brand new site running on our IIS web-server.

Step 2: Create a new Self Signed Certificate
Before binding SSL rules to our new site, we need to first import and setup a security certificate to use with the SSL binding.

Certificates are managed in IIS 7.0 by clicking the root machine node in the left-hand tree-view explorer, and then selecting the "Server Certificates" icon in the feature pane on the right:

This will then list all certificates registered on the machine, and allow you to optionally import and/or create new ones.

I could optionally go to a certificate authority like Verisign and purchase a certificate to import using this admin UI.  Alternatively, I can create a "self-signed certificate" which is a test certificate that I can use during the development and testing of my site.  To-do this, click the "Create Self-Signed Certificate" link on the right-hand side of the admin tool:

Enter a name to use for the certificate (for example: "test") and hit ok.  IIS7 will then automatically create a new self-signed crypto certificate for you and register it on the machine:

Step 3: Enable HTTPS Bindings for our New Site
To SSL enable the web-site we created earlier, select the web-site node in the left-hand tree-view, and the click the "Bindings" link in its "actions" pane on the right-hand side of the screen:

This will then bring up a dialog that lists all of the binding rules that direct traffic to this site (meaning the host-header/IP address/port combinations for the site):

To enable SSL for the site, we'll want to click the "Add" button. This will bring up an "add binding" dialog that we can use to add HTTPS protocol support.  We can select the self-signed certificate we created earlier from the SSL certificate dropdownlist in the dialog, and in doing so indicate that we want to use that certificate when encrypting content over SSL:

 Click ok, and we now have SSL enabled for our site:

Step 4: Test out the Site
Add a "default.aspx"  or " index.html" page to the site, and then try and hit it with the browser by typing https://localhost/default.aspx (or index.html)  (note the usage of "https" instead of "http" to indicate that you want to connect over SSL).

If you are using IE7, you'll likely see this anti-phishing error message kick in

Don't panic if this happens - it is just IE being helpful by suggesting that a self-signed certificate on your local machine looks suspicious. Click the "Continue to this website" link to bypass this security warning and proceed to the site.  You'll find that your default.aspx page is now running protected via SSL:

You are all done. :-)
Appendix: A Few Last SSL Notes

A few last SSL related notes:

    * The IIS 7.0 admin tool has an "SSL Settings" node that you can select for each site, directory or file that allows you to control whether that particular resource (and by default its children) requires an SSL request in order to execute.  This is useful for pages like a login.aspx page, where you want to guarantee that users can only enter their credentials when they are posting via an encrypted channel. If you configure the login.aspx page to require SSL, IIS 7.0 will block browsers from accessing it unless they are doing so over SSL.

    * Within an ASP.NET page or handler, you can programmatically check whether the current request is using SSL by checking the Request.IsSecure property (it will return "true" if the incoming browser request is over SSL).

    * You can set the "requireSSL" attribute on the configuration section within web.config files to have ASP.NET's forms-authentication system ensure that forms-authentication cookies are only set and used on SSL enabled pages and URLs.  This avoids the risk of a hacker trying to intercept the authentication cookie on a non-SSL secured page, and then trying to use a "replay attack" from a different machine to impersonate a user.

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In my last post ( Free Domain Name Using Co.CC) i described How to Set up a Free Domain name using Co.CC. This Post is a continuation of it. If u haven't yet created a free domain using Co.CC then please read my last post and create one.. It's Free :-)

Next Up : Assuming that u have a Free Domain name in Co.CC  in this post i will show u how u can use your free Co.CC Domain to create a Windows Live Account for your free Co.CC Domain.

Before Guiding you to the steps of creating a Windows Live Account let me tell you the benefits of creating a Windows Live Account for your free Co.CC Domain and how it differs from the Basic Windows Account.
  1. Firstly u get a custom e-mail id for ex : xxxx@xxxx.co.cc (ex : sadeer@sadeer.co.cc ), but in Basic Windows Account we  get e-mail id's like xxxx@hotmail.com. i have set up a Windows Live Account for my free Co.CC Domain and its sadeer@sadeer.co.cc and ya this is my Windows Live e-mail id or Account.
  2. U can create 500 accounts under your Windows Live e-mail id or Account,  my Windows Live  Account is sadeer@sadeer.co.cc so i can create 500 Windows Live accounts under my account for ex : i can have e-mail ids or Accounts under my account as xxxx@sadeer.co.cc, xxx1@sadeer.co.cc, xxx2@sadeer.co.cc.... so on... this way i can create 500 email ids or accounts under my account.
You are free to check http://domains.live.com/ for more benefits.

Thats it now follow the steps below to create a Windows Live Account for your free Co.CC Domain.
 Go to http://domains.live.com/ and follow the steps below.

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In my last post ( Free Domain Name Using Co.CC) i described How to Set up a Free Domain name using Co.CC. This Post is a continuation of it. If u haven't yet created a free domain using Co.CC then please read my last post and create one.. It's Free :-)

Next Up : Assuming that u have a Free Domain name in Co.CC  in this post i will show u how u can use your free Co.CC Domain to create a Standard Gmail Account.
Before Guiding you to the steps of creating a Standard Gmail Account let me tell you the benefits of creating a Standard Gmail Account and how it differs from Basic Gmail Account.
  1. Firstly u get a custom e-mail id for ex : xxxx@xxxx.co.cc (ex : sadeer@sadeer.co.cc ), but in Basic Gmail Account we  get e-mail id's like xxxx@gmail.com. i have set up a Standard Gmail Account for myself and its sadeer@sadeer.co.cc and ya this is my Gmail e-mail id.
  2. U can create 50 accounts under your Standard Gmail e-mail id,  my Standard Gmail Account is sadeer@sadeer.co.cc so i can create 50 Standard Gmail accounts under my account for ex : i can have e-mail ids under my account as xxxx@sadeer.co.cc, xxx1@sadeer.co.cc,xxx2@sadeer.co.cc.... so on... this way i can create 50 email ids under my account.
  3. and finally u also get 3 custom collaboration tools : Google Docs, Google Sites, Google Calender. These 3 tools are very handy for a professional if used in a right way.
Thats it now follow the steps below to create a Standard Gmail Account.
 Go to http://www.google.com/a/ and follow the steps below


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Go to http://www.co.cc

Follow the 8 steps below which are shown using images and please also read the notes if present above each image for clear picture.

STEP 1 : 

STEP 2 : 
Notes : Please Enter a Valid Email Address and fill in all other details correctly

             Once u have Entered all the details click create account.
             Your Account will be created.

STEP 3 :  

STEP 4 : 

STEP 5 : 
Notes : Enter desired domain name and click on Check availability

STEP 6 : 
Notes : i entered my domain name as sadir3, which was available and my domain  name is now registered as sadir3.co.cc

STEP 7 :

STEP 8 :
Notes : There are 4 options we will consider the first 3 options 
  1.  Name Server : This is difficult to deal with for a newbie, and has a lots of details to cover so i will write a new post on how to set up a name server.
  2. Zone Records : Like Name Server This is difficult to deal with for a newbie, and has a lots of details to cover so i will write a new post on how to set up a name server.
  3. URL Forwarding : This is the simplest of all and its really very very easy to deal with.
Steps  to Set up URL Forwarding :

a)  in the first field Redirect to (URL) http:// : enter your blogs name or any free domain name or a registered domain name.  for example you can enter your blogs name if u have a blog on blogger which is www.xxxx.blogspot.com ( where xxxx is your blog name) or if u have a wordpress blog then u can enter your wordpress blog name www.xxxx.wordpress.com ( where xxxx is your blog name ) .
b) next in the page title field enter your blogs page title.
c) next you'll see the description field it really doesn't matter what u enter in the description field so just enter anything valid or invalid about your website.
d) next you'll see the keywords field it really doesn't matter what u enter in the keywords field so just enter anything valid or invalid about your website.
e) Next Click on Setup
f) Thats it you are done... after 10 mins open a browser type the address of your new Co.CC domain name
( in my case sadir3.co.cc ) and press enter.... BANG.... your blog or your domain name is now running on your new Co.CC custom domain name.

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I am on Linked In and have over 200 contacts.

On Stumbler, I have over 200 friends and add about 5 a day when I want to.

I have  less than 50 - - contacts on Facebook.

What's up with that and what does that have to do with Needing Money?

Facebook has replaced
MySpace as the hottest social network in the universe. Nope, I don't have numbers to back that statement up, but I think it is true.

A friend came over for dinner a few weeks ago and he told me 1% of all people on earth have a facebook account. I wonder if some of those people in countries outside of the United States even know what a "facebook" is?

Anyway, some people who do
internet marketing swear by Facebook. They claim they can make all kinds of money somehow or another using Facebook. I read a long post from some guy who wrote all about using flyers and getting 5% click thru and a bunch of other things. Then he said that his money making only worked a few times before his account was deleted. Fun.

Here is why Facebook is for LOSERS and it has nothing to do with making money. (I am just tired of hearing about Facebook and why it is soooo neat.).

1) Facebook specializes in bringing people together with their former classmates

I hated high school, so why would I be interested in seeing what "nobody I was ever friends" with is doing now? Most of the people on Facebook look like losers now, so what is the point?

Further, I think I am still friends with one person from college. Again, why in the world would I want to dig around on Facebook and see what people from college, whom I was never friends with, are up to now?

And this is a very interesting fact : just check out your friends list and u will find so many people who were ur classmates and u were never friends with them when u were classmates but now they are in ur friends list just hanging on the wall without any interaction with u ? whats the use????

2) Facebook's interface sucks


If I join MyBlogLog or LinkedIn, I can find all kinds of people and websites from the "get go". I don't have to join, I can just start searching.

Go to Facebook.com. "Its Free, anyone can join". Nothing else to see. Yes, you can go to the Find Friends and search by a topic or even drill through names, but that's it. You can see a picture, but if you want to know anything else, you have to join.

To compare, go to Linkedin. Go to the bottom of the page. Enter in a name and bingo, you have the full profile of the person you are looking for, even if you are not a member or logged in.

3) The Wall

Who gives a rat's butt what you are doing today or this minute? People write the dumbest things like "I am using the bathroom" or "just changed the baby's diaper".

Now think about it. What kind of person finishes an activity and quickly runs to their
computer and puts a post on their Wall? L-O-S-E-R, that's who.

4) Facebook is a time waster.

A friend revealed to me today, she spends 1-2 hours A DAY on facebook. Some of it is spent looking up old friends (losers from high school). But most of her time is spent trying to sound more interesting than the other people on her friends list.

So she makes up stuff to put on her wall like, "just finished reading Obamas book" or "Tutoring the baby in French while listening to Mozart". And she it not alone. I read lots of nonsense like this on people's walls like "working on my spiritual drumming", "finding my inner self", etc...

Its all made up. Losers just post what ever they think their little group of friends will believe that day.

Um, I think it would be a better waste of time to eat bon-bons and watch soap operas all day.

5) Everybody lies on Facebook

If you are divorced, you are "suddenly single!"
If you are out of work, you are "starting your own business!".
If you live at home, you are "homesick and visiting your parents!".
If you are not married, you are "single and loving it!"

Everybody has a great life on Facebook. What a place for losers.

6) Why would I want to network with my sister, co-workers or customers in the same place?

Facebook is for everyone! Which means my family is on facebook along with one or two of my coworkers, someone from another company I really want to work for, a few of my customers, ten losers from my high school, a lady from church, the next door neighbor and the guy I play golf with.

Do I really want all of those people to potentially know each other through me? Talk about the walls between your world coming down.

That sounds like the beginning of a nuclear network meltdown. Divorce, shootings, home invasions, ughh.

7) Facebook is full of middle aged people trying to hook up with that guy or girl from high school that for some reason, they think has frozen in time and still looks like they did when they were 17.

Nothing screams loser like that.

8) Facebook is the MySpace of 2010

Just wait. In a few months you will be getting friend requests from some girl named "Jazmin" and a guy name "Pimp-O-Dellic" neither of whom you know.

Then there will be sparkly, bling a bling  wallpapers for Facebook.

Finally, the last straw will be when ten people named Odinga from Nigeria want to friend you and tell you about the $10M you have in their bank that they need your help getting out of the country.

9) Your Facebook membership serves only to make the owners rich with your self absorbed content. You get nothing for your work.
There is no revenue share for your content, your life, your posts. They put ads on your profile and bank the payback. You get nada, loser.
There is no linkback, SEO benefit, no way to build something better and money making outside of Facebook.
Nobody is going to hire someone from Facebook. "Hey check out my wall. I need a job, man".
Try LinkedIn, The Ladders, heck Monster. At least that is where employers might look.

10) 10 years from now, you will be embarrassed about all the stuff you put on Facebook.

But because it is the internet, it will be there forever..

You can throw the diary away from grade school.

You can burn your yearbooks.

You can pretend you never dated that guy with the Camaro your junior year.

Facebook lives forever. With all of your Wall posts, friends, everything.

Now you understand why Facebook is for losers?
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Hi This is Sadeer Shaikh i am an computer science engineering graduate & I love to program things that work in real world. I am  a professional web developer with more than 3 years of experience with major interests in PHP and ASP.NET And not to surprise i am a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in .NET Framework 3.5, ASP .NET Applications.

This Blog will contain latest web technology updates and issues related to web programming.
Stay Tuned with my blog and enjoy...
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